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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Model Citizen: BarBe Q

Times are tough, all over. But that's no reason to lose your sense of humor, people.

For instance, there's this place in Reading, Ohio, a barbeque joint, with a very clever owner. He has this great idea to attract attention to his restaurant. He puts a busty mannequin (which is actually a sandwich board) out front and the people came running. He dubs her "BarBe Q", dresses her in a bikini top and shorts, and dog gone it if it didn't return his business to a pre-recessionary level! Amazing!

There's one problem. Some of the folks in town don't like it, her, BarBe Q. Some folks thought she was a hooker (no, dears, those move). Parents of children walking past the restaurant to a religious school demanded that BarBe Q put on a shirt (So, they're all right with a little leg, it's the boom boom's that has them up in arms.) Even the owner is perplexed. "I had no idea a plastic doll would raise such a ruckus."

So why is it that this sandwich broad, uh, board is getting folks so upset? All she's doing is using her rack to sell a rack (of ribs). Then it hits me: plastic envy. If you've got 'em, you're not happy with 'em, be they part of your anatomy or your wife's. They're not perky enough, they're not round enough. Well, people of Reading, Ohio, I have your solution:


Are your sisters sagging?

Do your love lumps need a lift?

Try Forget Me Nots on for size!

Cheaper than plastic surgery, with no risk of complications, won't you be the belle of the ball when you walk in to the "Women With Nothing Better To Do Society" showcasing your bodacious ta-ta's that double as a fabulous food storage device?!! No one on the council will be able to stay on the topic of book banning while you're sitting there with your pert princesses staring back at them!

Forget Me Nots come in a set of three, no, not to pander to some sick fantasy, but to give you options, folks! Have you ever cut a few slices of tomato, put it in a plastic bag, only to go after it a month later to find it would be unrecognizable even to it's own mother? Put that tomato in a Forget Me Not, slide it on your refrigerator shelf within view, and (oh my goodness!) you will no longer have to eat tomatoes with a sidecar of penicillin.

The Forget Me Not Set comes with one square 16 oz container (think cheese) and two round 12 oz containers. You can store onions without them stinking up the entire icebox, or put half a lemon in there. All this food storage bliss, dishwasher safe, comes to you for a mere $17.00.

Visit me at www.my2.tupperware.com/wendyfullmer and you can experience the joy of plastic envy yourself.

Or, have a party with me and get them FREE!

Everybody loves a little free plastic, don't they BarBe Q?


  1. Did you think this one up all by yourself? You are a wild woman, this is really funny! Of course any time that you get on the subject of ta-ta's you are a hoot!

    Love Ya
    Wendy E.
