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Monday, August 10, 2009

Hey Paula Abdul! Tupperware's the answer!

What's Paula gonna do now? Now that she's off American Idol (big mistake for them and her, I think!) I'm stressed out with worry for how she will make ends meet, then it occurred to me: TUPPERWARE IS THE ANSWER! Hallelujah and pass the Forget Me Nots!!! Can you just picture Paula pulling out her plastic and extolling the virtues of Flat Outs?! I can! I think she'd be a hoot and a holler telling folks how she uses Modular Mates to keep her Chihuahua's kibble crunchy!! Just a few parties a month and she's pulling down the doggie dollars!! Look at the picture--she's getting all veklempt just thinking about it!
TUPPERWARE gives me the opportunity to have my own business, expressing my creativity and helping me buffer my budget.
I have bigger dreams that I'm going to make true and Tupperware's going to help me.
TUPPERWARE CAN HELP YOU, TOO! What are your goals and dreams? My dream is to care for my kids at home and Tupperware helps me do that. My goals involve using my skills to keep me from eating my young at the next full moon. Writing my Tupperblog, planning parties, fundraisers and meeting folks at festivals and fairs is great fun and just expands my burgeoning plastics empire.
You can build your own business and get the most amazing support from Tupperware and ME!! Do you want to step forward towards your dreams? Let's chat and you'll see how remarkably easy it is to see the future as bright and exciting.
You can reach your goals with Tupperware!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's just fabulous that you worry so much about Paula and her future. I can picture her throwing exclusive Hollywood Tupperware parties for all of her fancy friends. She really should give you a call.
