Well, I guess the truth's out by now and you all know that Levi couldn't keep his pen in his own inkwell. Poof! There goes that happy domestic life he was hoping for! Now Ms. Bristol is the new single-mom-turns-reality-show-star on Dancing With The Stars!! Last year we had that chick with the small army who danced like she had a stick up her spine, this year it's our darling Bristol. BUT WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH TUPPERWARE, YOU ASK? You know by now that is a very easy question to answer (Tupperware is, after all, like the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon. I can tie it into a baptism if I needed to!)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Look at me, Ma! I'm dancing! I'm dancing!!
Well, I guess the truth's out by now and you all know that Levi couldn't keep his pen in his own inkwell. Poof! There goes that happy domestic life he was hoping for! Now Ms. Bristol is the new single-mom-turns-reality-show-star on Dancing With The Stars!! Last year we had that chick with the small army who danced like she had a stick up her spine, this year it's our darling Bristol. BUT WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH TUPPERWARE, YOU ASK? You know by now that is a very easy question to answer (Tupperware is, after all, like the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon. I can tie it into a baptism if I needed to!)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Your Own Personal Chef (Sort of)!
I am not a big fan of summer, and except for the extra time it affords me with my kids, I'm happy to see it go. I always, always look forward to cooler weather for all sorts of reasons. One of them is cooking related, because I can actually get tired of grilled foods and the endless line of summer salads. Will somebody pass me a meatball, please?!
I've got some yummy recipes from Chef Stuart (Tupperware's Chef in Residence) to share with you. The first one is for a delicious Arugula Pesto and showcases some great items coming up in the Fall Tupperware catalog. The second one uses the pesto recipe in a MEATBALL dish. I adore my vegans friends, but I could never embrace that lifestyle fully. I must have meat! And you must have a party where I'll COOK MEAT FOR YOU!!!
Get your ground beef at a butcher (I go to Stater Bros.) where you can choose a roast and have them grind it up for you. Most times it's cheaper than the ground beef, it's always lower in fat, PLUS you have the reassurance that it is from one cow (not the entire herd). Believe me, it's worth the trip and the time.
Now is a great time to plan a fall party. You can get ahold of me at my site: www.my2.tupperware.com/wendyfullmer
Happy cooking!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bristol and Levi are engaged!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Fresh Cranberry Orange Scones
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Go get you a box of Devil's Food Cake mix (Pillsbury--Wal-Mart--88 cents!), some oil, applesauce, eggs, and a bag of Dove or some other mid-range chocolate! For Heaven's sake DON'T USE THE GODIVA (how funny--I almost typed DOGIVA!!) on this!
Lube and sugar your Tupperwave Stack Cooker (What? You don't have one of these? Help me, Jesus! Why don't you have one? Call me. Party. Free Tupperware. How easy was that? Not much easier than this cake.) Unwrap your chocolates (about 20 of them, don't be stingy, what's the point?) and layer them on the bottom of your Stack Cooker. Make your cake according the directions BUT, reduce the water to one cup and ADD ONE CUP OF APPLESAUCE. Just do it. You and your thighs will thank me later.
Put the lid to the Stack Cooker in your microwave UPSIDE DOWN. It makes a nice little stand that helps the microwaves circulate around the cake. Mix your batter, pour it in the Stack Cooker smack on top of those chocolates. Put the Stack Cooker with the thigh glue into your microwave. Cook that puppy on high for 10 minutes. TEST TEST TEST IT! Stick a stick in for goodness sake! I pulled this out at a party once and it was gooey in the center and it started collapsing! I quickly whooped everything back in the Stack Cooker and got it back into the microwave. ALL MICROWAVES ARE DIFFERENT in their power/wattage. Know your tool, ladies. Mine does the job in 10 minutes. Start at 10, add 5 minutes. That should do it even with a tired, old tool of a microwave.
LET THE CAKE COOL IN THE PAN FOR 20 MINUTES!! After 20 minutes put a plate on top, flip it quick and take the Stack Cooker and cone off the cake. Oh my heavenly days, this is one of those DON'T TALK TO ME WHILE I'M EATING THIS cakes. And you think I'm kidding. You're welcome for the recipe.
Wendy Fullmer's Tupperware
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I can't help but think about what would become of my own family in the event of an earthquake. I try to stay prepared. I hope you do, too. Even a few meager supplies make all the difference in your comfort and care while you wait to get back to normal.
At the risk of sounding horrendously opportunistic, I'm glad I have the majority of my pantry stored in Tupperware Modular Mates. Even my pets supplies and medical supplies are in air tight, durable Tupperware goods. God forbid that my home would get damaged in a quake and I might lose power. I do know that my food in my pantry would still be safe to eat in case of an emergency. And it would be easy and quick to move to another location if I had to move.
I get comments about the cost of Tupperware, but it's built to last, it's guaranteed, and it keeps your food items safe, your emergency supplies (first aid, medications, etc.) in a durable container that's guaranteed not to crack, your pet items safe from insects.
Say a prayer for Haiti, hug your kids, kiss your spouse, forgive a little easier, count your blessings, then go to the Red Cross site and give. A little can go a long way for people who have nothing at all right now.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Resolutionary Road
Greetings! Wow! I guess I've been a busy bee since I have failed to blog since August of last year! Yikes! Well, a new year, a new beginning.
Every year my family and friends contemplate resolutions to their lives in the hopes that it will somehow bring them happiness or a miraculous transformation. Yeah for them! I think that you can make changes any time of the year, heck, make them in the middle of the night if you can't sleep. I would rather channel my energies into the same goals I've always had: Being healthier and more organized. I think those two seemingly elusive states of being have the greatest impact on my happiness and those I care for.
Alright, Wendy, where's the Tupper-connection in all this?!
Food stays fresher, longer. Food also doesn't get smooshed or crushed.
Pantry is organized.
Overbuying is eliminated, because I can see what I have.
Critters stay out of my crackers!
I'm telling you, girl, your brown sugar will stay absolutely soft and moist for years in MODULAR MATES! I know a consultant who takes brown sugar in a Modular Mate in her kit to parties (the same brown sugar for over three years) and she passes it around at parties so folks can see how soft the brown sugar is. No lie, Sugar Pie, this stuff works!
I hate that. That's money down the drain. Having your food in Modular Mates keeps your pantry organized. You know what you have and it stays fresher way past the expiration date.
**MODULAR MATES KEEP YOU ORGANIZED!!**No last minutes trips to the store because you forgot something! You know what you have because you have an organized pantry! MODULAR MATES SAVE YOU TIME BY KEEPING YOU ORGANIZED!**
You know, I keep my kitchen clean. I could post an A outside my door with confidence. NO MATTER HOW CLEAN YOU KEEP YOUR KITCHEN, THE ANTS WILL COME. And they'll bring lots of friends. MODULAR MATES WILL KEEP THE BUGS OUT OF YOUR FOOD!
**MODULAR MATES SAVE YOU MONEY BY KEEPING CRITTERS OUT OF YOUR CRACKERS**KEEPS YOU ORGANIZED**SAVES YOU MONEY AND TIME--You didn't really want to go to the store and replace all the things the ants ruined, did you?**
TUPPERWARE HAS THE ENTIRE MODULAR MATES LINE ON SALE FOR 40% OFF STARTING JANUARY 9TH! Plus, there are groovy cool exclusive Modular Mate items that are only on sale during this promotion. Jumbo Cereal Storers, Handy Dandy Rice Keepers. Life changers. Okay, slick conveniences that will make life easier.
COMING UP....TUPPERCONNECT...a new way to party!!
I love my job.