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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I know, I know. Another blog about cake. But can I tell you? This is seriously the best chocolate cake for when you need your fix but don't want the fuss. It's the cake for when the girls are coming over or for when everyone has left the house. Yes, yes, yes, it's in the Tupperwave Stack Cooker! What else?!

Go get you a box of Devil's Food Cake mix (Pillsbury--Wal-Mart--88 cents!), some oil, applesauce, eggs, and a bag of Dove or some other mid-range chocolate! For Heaven's sake DON'T USE THE GODIVA (how funny--I almost typed DOGIVA!!) on this!

Lube and sugar your Tupperwave Stack Cooker (What? You don't have one of these? Help me, Jesus! Why don't you have one? Call me. Party. Free Tupperware. How easy was that? Not much easier than this cake.) Unwrap your chocolates (about 20 of them, don't be stingy, what's the point?) and layer them on the bottom of your Stack Cooker. Make your cake according the directions BUT, reduce the water to one cup and ADD ONE CUP OF APPLESAUCE. Just do it. You and your thighs will thank me later.

Put the lid to the Stack Cooker in your microwave UPSIDE DOWN. It makes a nice little stand that helps the microwaves circulate around the cake. Mix your batter, pour it in the Stack Cooker smack on top of those chocolates. Put the Stack Cooker with the thigh glue into your microwave. Cook that puppy on high for 10 minutes. TEST TEST TEST IT! Stick a stick in for goodness sake! I pulled this out at a party once and it was gooey in the center and it started collapsing! I quickly whooped everything back in the Stack Cooker and got it back into the microwave. ALL MICROWAVES ARE DIFFERENT in their power/wattage. Know your tool, ladies. Mine does the job in 10 minutes. Start at 10, add 5 minutes. That should do it even with a tired, old tool of a microwave.

LET THE CAKE COOL IN THE PAN FOR 20 MINUTES!! After 20 minutes put a plate on top, flip it quick and take the Stack Cooker and cone off the cake. Oh my heavenly days, this is one of those DON'T TALK TO ME WHILE I'M EATING THIS cakes. And you think I'm kidding. You're welcome for the recipe.

Wendy Fullmer's Tupperware

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